Welcome to Café 42

Café 42 is a virtual café where people who always felt a little misfit in their lives, who sense things that « ordinary » people don’t, who’d rather look at the world with love and compassion than anger and resentment, that money is an energy and not a value, that grief can break open your heart rather than shut it or simply are curious about other ways to envision life, could gather and talk about Life, the Universe and Everything without being scared of ever being judged, a place where we could all be our “weirdest” and most magnificent self at the same time.

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Subscribe to Café 42

Café 42 is a virtual café where I share with you my unique and unusual vision of Life, the Universe and Everything and where people who thinks that there is more to life than meet the eye can gather and talk about their own experiences.


Human being, light worker, life coach, life explorer, Universe investigator, hugger, faith leaper, word lover, Trekkie, author and New-York Times bestseller to be.