You sound very busy with your writing! I try to write when the inspiration hits me or when I come across my published poems from the 80's and 90's! I have been rewriting them or changing some words or changing the title! I have housework to do, and I need to go through my stuff and get rid of things. I donate to a charity! Or I have given a lot of old stuff to my niece and her daughter! I gave them an old tinsel Christmas tree, decorations and collectibles! I just have too much stuff! I just need some help but everyone is just too busy! I could probably write something about all my stuff! Perhaps a poem or essay! I did write a poem about my old scrapbook!

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Thank you, Connie. Reaching a certain age, we all get overloaded with all the stuff we accumulated throughout the years. I’ve done the same as you last April, donating cloths and shoes. My life is quite busy as well with an 11 year old daughter and a house I try to make time to take care of but I write almost every afternoon for at least 2 hours or more and I dream, and will do it eventually, to go to a place on my own for a week or 2 to write all day long with no interruption to make meals or whatever. I have so many things I want to write and not enough time yet but I’ll find a way, I always do. Lots of love.

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Jul 14Liked by Geraldine Claudel

That sounds like a great way to stay creative and declutter at the same time! Writing about your old stuff could be very interesting.

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Thank you, Dr Ahmet. Sorting out things and getting rid of what doesn't serve us anymore allows us to make space for novelty, metaphorically and literaly, thus for creativity, new creations. I will probably write about my past decluttering at one point but I sometimes have trouble remembering what I let go. Lots of love.

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