Bravo!!! What a magnificent creation you have breathed life into! I can't wait to see how it grows 🌱!

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Thank you so much, Riza! Your Well inpired me a lot, not mentioning our session together. I was so procrastinating on my Substack creation and our session validated the fact that it was my best next move, whatever the outcome. Thank you for that. Your work is really, really important and enlightening for people like me. Lots of love.

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I love this aesthetic

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Thank you, Beniamin. Those are Midjourney’s creations.

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I love your creativity in setting up this “cafe”, and all the little appropriate details, like the “weekly special” and the “playlist”! Such wonderful ideas! I look forward to becoming a paid subscriber soon! In the meantime, best wishes with Life, the Universe, and Everything! 🥰❤️💖

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Thank you, Rebecca. I’m so happy you like the set up of my little Café! When I started my Substack, I didn’t want to only talk about my life, but to create a virtual place for a community to birth around what I had to share, which is very much still a work in progress, and the idea of a cosy gipsy café with colorful cushions everywhere popped into my mind. And I’ve always loved the idea of being a bartender!

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How delightful! What a nice inspiration to pop into your head! It makes me imagine myself there in your cozy café! 🥰 Best wishes with your “work in progress” and being a virtual (or real) bartender! You are a gift to this world! 💝💝💝

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Thank you so much, Rebecca. I am truly honored that you think I am a gift to this world. I can assure you, you are too. Lots of love.

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Awww! Thank you! I teared up reading your kind comment! Thank you! It is how I strive to be! 💓💓💓

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